Demos Antoniou
Title: Active, Healthy, and Dignified Ageing
Abstract: The world’s population is ageing at a fast pace. It is a known fact that the age group of 65+ will reach 1/3 of the total population in a few decades, changing the healthcare and workforce landscape indefinitely, creating pressure on nearly all sectors of the economy and social life. Governments should act NOW and implement policies and good practices to address active, healthy, dignified ageing and intergenerational solidarity issues. The Cyprus Third Age Observatory addresses such issues by implementing programs for good mental and physical health at Cyprus’s one-of-a-kind Memory and Creative Expression Centre.
Short bio: Demos is the Founder and President of the non-profit, non-governmental organization Cyprus Third Age Observatory, a former member of the Cyprus National Bioethics Committee, and a Cyprus Third Age Council member. He is very active on issues affecting senior citizens. He advises the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, the Ministry of Health, and the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare on healthy, active, and dignified ageing. Demos is the CEO of a marketing and advertising agency in Cyprus. He is a strategic problem solver and a visionary who develops international and local business relations with working experience in Belgium, China, Greece, U.A.E., Sweden, and the U.K.

Ilia Stambler
Title: Addressing aging as a medical condition: Methodology and Policy
Abstract: The anti-aging or geroscience approach to health research and healthcare aims to treat degenerative aging processes as the main underlying causes and risk factors of chronic diseases. This approach is poised to significantly improve healthy longevity and solve urgent challenges of the aging population. Yet, a major obstacle to implementing this approach is the deficit of agreed evidence-based criteria for the evaluation of the aging process, in order not only to predict aging health trajectory, but also to evaluate the efficacy and safety of anti-aging therapies. This presentation will discuss some of the methodological and policy challenges for the development and implementation of such criteria, and potential ways toward their solution.
Short bio: Ilia Stambler, PhD, is the Chief Science Officer and Chairman of “Vetek” (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (Israel). He is a fellow at the Department of Science, Technology and Society, Bar Ilan University, Israel. His research has focused on the historical and social implications of aging and longevity research ( He is actively involved in advocacy for aging and longevity research, serving as an executive committee member of the International Society on Aging and Disease (ISOAD) and International Longevity Alliance (ILA).

George Mikellides
Title: Depression in Later Life
Abstract: Depression in elderly persons is widespread, often undiagnosed, and usually untreated. Depression is not a normal part of aging. In the USA nearly 5 million of the 31 million who are 65 years or older are clinically depressed, and 1 million have major depression. Depression has been identified in 17 to 37 percent of elderly patients treated in primary care settings; of these patients, about 30 percent have been diagnosed with major depression. Sixty-three percent of persons who commit suicide are white, elderly men, and 85 percent of them have an associated psychiatric or physical illness. Depression is the most common diagnosis in older persons who commit suicide. In Europe 1 in 10 Europeans aged 75 and over reported chronic depression. Depression is treatable. Effective management requires a biopsychosocial approach, combining pharmacotherapy or/and psychotherapy or/and neuromodulation.
Short bio: Georgios Mikellides is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Nicosia Medical School and a London (UK) trained Consultant Psychiatrist who is currently working in Cyprus. He has obtained the MRCPsych (Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists) and a CCT in General and Liaison Psychiatry. He had been an Honorary Clinical Lecturer for Queen Mary Medical School (London). Also he was an Honorary Research Associate at the Institute of Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, King’s College Hospital, London. He was also a Special Scientist at the University of Cyprus. He has been certified by the Harvard and Maastricht Universities as a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation practitioner and he is also a PhD Researcher at Maastricht University. He uses different Psychotherapeutic techniques, including Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavioural, Cognitive Analytical and Mentalisation Based Therapies. He has an MD from Charles University. His research interests are on the use of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Medicine and Ketamine Treatment in Psychiatry.

Efstathios S. Gonos
Title: Development of innovative personalized anti-aging protocols based on molecular and cellular analyses.
Abstract: Aging and longevity are two multifactorial biological phenomena whose knowledge at molecular level is still limited. We have studied proteasome function in aging and cell survival. We have developed “proteasome activated” human cell lines exhibit a significant delay of senescence. Similar proteasome activation in human mesenchymal stem cells not only increases their lifespan, but also enhances stemness. Importantly, proteasome activation by several compounds confers deceleration of aggregation-related pathologies, such as Alzheimer’s or Huntington’s diseases. We have also developed biobanks of donors of different ages, including healthy centenarians and long-lived siblings. Using these biobanks we have cloned several novel longevity genes. Finally, we determine the rate of aging and the efficacy of anti-aging protocols based on the use of natural compounds by analysing various molecular biomarkers in PBMCs of healthy individuals. To this end we measure the levels of several established biomarkers of aging (telomeres length & telomerase activity, proteasome content and function, NAD levels, global DNA methylation, Clu/ApoJ expression, AGE levels, levels of oxidized proteins) in volunteers every 3-6 months. This work leads to the development of personalized anti-aging protocols and innovative wellness products.
Short bio: Dr Efstathios Gonos, General Director, Hellenic Pasteur Institute. He graduated from the Department of Pharmacy, University of Athens, Greece, obtained his Ph.D. at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Glasgow, Britain and a Docent in Biomedicine at the Orebro University, Medical School, Sweden. He worked at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research/University College in London, Britain and at the National Hellenic Research Foundation/ICB (Director of Research from 2002 to 2021). Since 2021 is the General Director of the Hellenic Pasteur Institute. His research focuses on the genetic and environmental factors that are linked to human aging and longevity. He has published more than 130 research articles, is author of 14 monographs and patents holder that have resulted in the development of novel anti-aging products. Dr. Gonos has been a ”Senior expert” of E.U. in ”Human development and the aging process” and Deputy National Representative of Greece in E.U. in ”Genomics and Biotechnology for Health”. He is past member of the Executive Committee of International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB), the Advanced Course Committee of Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) and the Board of Directors of the ”Society of Free Radicals Research-Europe”. He is Editor-in-Chief of “Mechanisms of Ageing & Development” (IF 5.4) and “IUBMB Life” (IF 3.8) and Editorial Board member of “Experimental Gerontology”, “Free Radicals Research”, “Redox Biology”, “Ageing Research Reviews”, “Gerontology”, “Antioxidants”, “Free Radicals in Biology & Medicine”, “Aging Cell” (-2007), “Biogerontology” (-2009) and “Molecular Aspects of Medicine” (-2016).

Claus Muss
Title: Enhancing innate Immunity with biological compounds
Tremendous efforts have been undertaken to stop the flow and spread of infections during the Covid-19 pandemic by vaccination programs and social distancing worldwide. Yet current data prove that we have not left this threat fully behind, as new outbreaks with different strains of the C-19 virus and vaccination breakthroughs prove us. Apparently although the delayed human immune response of the adaptive immune system can be optimized by active vaccination, its ability to react remains however always specific and can therefore only respond inadequately to the changing of pathogen configuration during the pandemic. Facing the challenge of another possible wave of infectious disease it should be pivotal to focus on additional concepts to train our human immune system efficiently. Late study results report that C-19 target innate immune cell receptors by the formation of non-structural-protein-1 in order to reduce NK cell recognition and activity. Following this initial step, corona virus spread in different organs and develop pathogenicity by docking to ACE2 receptors. This lecture will focus on biological means optimizing the efficacy of our innate immunity by means of lifestyle and options of natural supplementation.
Short bio:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Muss PhD leads different clinics in Germany, Austria and Switzerland with the focus on integrative medicine (immunology, immune nutrition including micronutrition medicine and stress medicine). He received his doctorates in Medicine, Biochemistry and finally earned his PHD degree in Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the St. Elisabeth University (Slovakia) where he was appointed after habilitation (2012) full Professor by the Slovakian Government in the field of Public Health.

Suresh Rattan
Title: Anti-Ageing Medicine Through Hormesis and Hormetins
Abstract: Our natural survival abilities then need a helping hand for living longer, for maintaining health and beauty, and for protecting ourselves from diseases in old age. A promising and wholistic approach for achieving this is the phenomenon of mild stress-induced hormesis. Physical, nutritional and mental hormetins induce hormesis that leads to the strengthening of the maintenance and repair systems in cells and tissues. Exercise, heat and irradiation are examples of physical hormetins, which activate heat shock-, DNA repair- and anti-oxidative-stress responses. Several non-nutritional chemical components in the food, such as flavonoids and polyphenols present in spices, herbs and other sources, are examples of nutritional hormetins, which induce anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory stress responses. Calorie restriction and intermittent fasting are also hormetins, which activate the autophagic and sirtuin-mediated stress responses. Intense brain activity and focussed attention comprise mental hormetins. A combination of different hormetins can therefore be the drugs for maintaining, improving and recovering health during ageing.
Short bio: Suresh Rattan, Ph.D.,Dr.scient., is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark. Among his several awards and other recognitions internationally, he is the recipient of the prestigious Lord Cohen Medal in Gerontology from the British Society for Research on Ageing (BSRA). He has published about 300 scientific articles, and has edited/co-edited 20 books, including books for children, general public and research scientists. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Biogerontology – an international peer reviewed journal published by Springer-Nature. He is the present Chairman of the Biological Section of the European Region of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG-ER). His personal website is:

Alexia Papageorgiou
Title: Communication between the older patient and his or her physician
Abstract: In most places around the globe people live longer, which means that more older people will need health care services. Research has shown that doctors demonstrate poor communication skills when dealing with older people. Older patients may suffer from multiple and complex health problems which may require double appointments. In this presentation the following issues will be explored:
- Challenges communicating with the elderly
- Examples of poor communication
- Doctors’ attitudes and beliefs working with the elderly
- Effectiveness of communication skills training
- Important consultation skills to incorporate into your practice
Short bio: Alexia Papageorgiou is a Professor of Clinical Communication and the Chair of the Centre of Medical Communication at the University of Nicosia Medical School in Cyprus. She holds a PhD in Psychiatry, MSc in Health Psychology, BA in Psychology and she is a Certified Life Coach. She has designed and implemented new clinical communication curricula for undergraduate and graduate medical degrees in the UK and Cyprus and has extensive experience in student teaching and assessment in undergraduate and graduate medical education. Her research areas are clinical communication, medical education, health psychology and advance statements of people who can no longer make decisions in medicine and psychiatry.

Lama Sawas
Title: The Depiction of Dementia and Alzheimer Disease in Media and Pop Culture
Abstract: Media and movies are the most common forms of pop culture and have the power to present reality as a form of social communication. This reality plays a crucial role in shaping societal issues and their discourse. The depiction of dementia in pop culture has a ‘typical’ repeated negative image. Dementia is often viewed as a natural part of ageing. Such a biased perspective can inadvertently lead to the dehumanisation and exclusion of people with dementia. This presentation will discuss negative and positive examples of dementia depiction in media and pop culture and their effects on the quality of life of people living with dementia.
Short bio: Lama Swas is a science communicator and digital creator. She holds a BSc. in Molecular Biology and Genetics and an MSc. in Digital Marketing, and is a member of the Society of Biological Sciences in Cyprus. In 2022 she founded LamaScience, a social channel and blog focused on science promotion and media, publishing accessible science content that engages with broad audiences at all levels. She combines her scientific knowledge and creativity, with a twist of pop culture to deliver bite-size educational content. She is also a local expert with the EU project STEAMY WONDERS, which aims to engage women in science and encourage greater gender balance in the STEAM sector. Lama’s areas of research span across epigenetics, neurodegenerative diseases, mental health, and cinemeducation in science

Mario Krause
Title: How to diagnose and modify fatigue or burnout with an integrative approach
Since the Covid pandemic, the connections between psyche, emotion, immune system and vegetative nervous system have been in our perception. In daily medical practice, complaints of exhaustion, tiredness, concentration problems, susceptibility to infection or the feeling of the void are regularly encountered. The lecture will show psychoneuroimmunological connections and present diagnostic procedures and therapy approaches that have proven themselves in everyday clinical practice. The procedure is also suitable for applications in medical SPAs.
Short bio:
Dr. med Mario Krause: International expert in holistic prevention, stress medicine, applied personalized medicine and anti-aging medicine; Founder and medical director of the German Center for Individualized Prevention and Performance Improvement; Scientific Board World Society of Interdisciplinary Aesthetic and Anti Aging Medicine; Editorial Board of PRIME International Journal of Aesthetic and Anti Aging Medicine; Specialist in general medicine, environmental medicine and homeopathy; Diplomate American Academy of Anti Aging Medicine; Development of an independent Bio-Logical-Anti-Aging-Therapy with the main focus: Integration of naturopathic complementary therapy, orthomolecular substitution, stress adaptation and natural hormone replacement therapy. Integration of trauma recall techniques for correction of emotional, structural and metabolic disorders

George Mitrou
Title: Ageing in a Digital Era
Digital technologies can assist in learning new skills, facilitate social interactions, foster independent and autonomous living, and improve the management and delivery of health and social care services for ageing populations. Older persons are more likely to be digitally excluded and to experience barriers. Nowadays, there are plenty of blue-rich light sources particularly in technological gadgets. Blue light, for instance, is present in natural light but also in artificial light. However, the non-visual functions are the ones that regulate and synchronize our biological functions. Ageing-friendly digital devices, design and relevance of digital services, as well as ageism-free, ethical and safe digital environments that embrace the diversity of ageing populations need to be ensured.
Short bio:
Georgios Mitrou MD, MPh.D, Msc, is Internal Medicine Consultant-Gerontologist, with certified title of subspecialty in Diabetology under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of the Hellenic Republic. He is Experienced Managing Director Phd with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry. Skilled Clinical Research, Medical Education, and Medicine and strong research professional with a Master of Philosophy focused in Gerontology from University of Southampton (European Centre of Research in Ageing). He is Coordinator Medical Director of AEMY-Ministry of Health of the Hellenic Republic and Head of the Internal Medicine Sector of the General Hospital of Thira, under the National Health System (ESY). He is expert in Hypertension, Diabetes and Diabetic Foot, Thrombosis, Obesity, Metabolic Disorders, Geriatrics and Gerontology and Member of many National Medical Associations. He has been speaker in many National and International Congresses and has published many announcements in National and International Conventions. He is an active member of the National Centre of Gerontology in Cyprus and Counselor of the Ministry of Health for the Development and Implementation of the National Health Strategy for the Elderly in Cyprus.

Calogero Caruso
Title: How Important Are Genes to Achieve Longevity?
Only APOE and FOXO3A genes, involved in the protection from CVDs are associated with longevity in nearly all studies. This happens because the genetics of longevity are dynamic and depend on the environmental history of a population. Population-specific genes play a greater role in the attainment of longevity than those shared between different populations. So, it is not surprising that GWAS replicated associations of common variants with longevity have been few, if any, as these studies pool different populations. The study of long-life families should be an ideal resource for uncovering protective alleles and associated biological signatures for exceptional longevity.
Short bio:
Calogero Caruso, formerly Full Professor of General Pathology, is Professor Emeritus at the University of Palermo, Italy. He graduated from the School of Medicine, University of Palermo, in 1971 (magna cum laude). He was founder and editor-in-chief of the journal Immunity & Ageing (2004-2018), and has authored 393 publications (14,717 citations), mostly on ageing, age-related diseases and longevity, indexed on Scopus (H index of 62). He has recently edited the book “Centenarians. An example of positive biology.” for Springer Nature and, with Prof. G. Candore, the book “Human Aging. From Cellular Mechanisms to Therapeutic Strategies.” for Academic Press”.

Michael Papacharalambous
Title: The Target Protocol plus
Precisely targeting the prevention and treatment of the diseases that accompany aging. Aging is the greatest risk factor for most acute and chronic diseases. Recently, huge advancement has been achieved in aging research that led to the belief that aging and its diseases can be targeted, treated, and perhaps reversed. We will present the Target protocol plus, which uses the most recognized tests that identify hallmarks of aging, combined with Precision medicine application in prevention and targeted treatment.
Short bio:
2019- Current: General secretary of the European Society of Preventive Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM)
2022- Current: IASO General Hospital, Athens, Greece. Director of the Department of Precision Medicine, Prevention and Antiaging
2015- Current: Orthobiotiki Medical Clinic (Medical Director and CEO)
2001-2022 Internal Medicine Director, Metropolitan Hospital
1988-2001 Medical Director Euromedical Medical Clinics
1978-1988 Internal Medicine Dept.,Director amd Medical Director
2020 Vice president Hellenic Geriatrics Society
1964-1969 Athens University Medical School (MD)
1969-1974 Internal Medicine Specialty, Athens University
1982 PhD In clinical Haematology
1974 London University, Hammersmith Hospital Postgraduate in Internal Medicine.
1987 Ultrasonography in clinical Medicine, Thomas Jefferson’s University, Philadelphia
Organised Congresses in Anti-Ageing Medicine in Athens, Russia and Cyprus

Arseniy Trukhanov
Title: The Road Map of Anti-Aging medicine in Europe: 2030
Abstract: It has been about 30 years since the advent of the term Anti-Age medicine and the creation of the first community of the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine (A4M). One of the leading French specialists in the field of aesthetic medicine, a doctor of endocrinology Professor Jean-Jacques Legrand, stood at the roots of creation of the European Association of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine which was registered in 2006 in Vienna, Austria as ESAAM. Leading European experts played a significant role in the development of ESAAM. Among them are Prof. Michael Klentze (Germany), Prof. Christos Zouboulis (Germany), Prof. Damiano Galimberti (Italy), Dr. Michael Papacharalampous (Greece), Dr. Ghislain Beilin (France), Dr. Jean-Pierre Naim (Switzerland), Prof. Cimen Karasu (Turkey). The activity of ESAAM is based on multidisciplinary approach and new philosophy of social positioning of Anti-Age medicine in the society as “Uni-Age”, an anti-age medicine without age restrictions. In the next 5 years ESAAM aims to shift in focus to the methods of early prevention of chronic age-related diseases, development and standardization of regenerative technologies, design opportunities for Health telemonitoring, virtual care and personal consultation with anti-age specialist. The key words of this Road map are: geroscience, translational medicine and digital aging. To realise this road map ESAAM is organised with a new functional structure, new headquarter in Athens (Greece) in the premises of pilot Anti-Age “Orthobiotiki Clinic”, high rank and globally recognised scientists in the Advisory and Scientific Committees, pioneers in the practical creation and management of novel Anti-Age Clinics in the Medical Committee.
Short bio: Dr. Trukhanov PhD, is a chief scientific specialist at the Federal Science & Clinical Research Center of Acute Care and Rehabilitation of the Academy of Science, a Doctor of biology, a PhD in medical engineering and a specialist in restorative and aesthetic medicine, rehabilitation and digital aging technologies. His main professional interest is concentrated around the design and clinical applications of modern methods, technologies and equipment for the express diagnostic and restoration of functional reserve and biological age of the patients. Since October 2019, Dr. Trukhanov is a President of the European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine.

Ceren Gezer
Title: Mediterranean Diet in Ageing and Longevity
Abstract: Healthy dietary patterns are associated with healthy ageing and longevity. The Mediterranean diet is a commonly suggested diet as healthy dietary pattern which can prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, etc. as well as possibly slow down the ageing progress by effects on some of the hallmarks of ageing. The Mediterranean diet is a plant based dietary pattern which includes foods rich in anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative nutritional and non-nutritional components. Those food components modulate the ageing process by various mechanisms related to epigenetic changes, telomere disruption, cellular senescence, mitochondrial dysfunction, etc. From food components to dietary patterns, and from individual effect to whole dietary effect, the Mediterranean diet is a promising beneficial tool with regards to ageing and longevity. Scientific evidence about these effects will be presented.
Short bio: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ceren Gezer is a head of Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Eastern Mediterranean University in Cyprus. She graduated from Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hacettepe University in Turkey. She received MSc and PhD degree on Nutrition and Dietetics from Near East University in Cyprus. During Phd education she had been a visiting researcher/PhD student in the Laboratory of Cellular Ageing, Aarhus University in Aarhus, Denmark. She has supervised more than 20 Msc and PhD theses and has published various national-international articles and book chapters. Her research interests are on functional foods, food chemistry, molecular nutrition, nutritional assessment and eating behaviors, research methods in nutrition and dietetics.

Yuriy Titovets
Title: Peptidergic regulation of aging: Introduction to short chain peptides as a gene switches.
Abstract: Short peptides are substances consisting of two to 12 amino acid residues. They are of decisive importance in the genes expression. They implement protein synthesis in the body’s cells. This is an overview presentation on short peptides: – construction, structure, – how they appear, – how they enter the body, – complementary interaction with the DNA helix, – mechanism of gene expression, – rejuvenating effect on cells, – lengthening of telomeres due to selective activation of telomerase, – boost immunity to protect against viruses, – cancer prevention.
Short bio: Dr. Yuriy Titovets, MD, PhD
Medical Doctor Obstetrician-Gynecologist. Certified Specialist on Medical Genetics and Anti-Aging Medicine (Hereditary Pathology). Professor of St. Sophia International Institute of Beauty and Health, Nicosia, Cyprus. International Certified Trainer for APTOS Thread Lifting Methods. International speaker for the Aesthetic Medicine, Aesthetic Gynecology. Co-author of international guidelines The Intimate Aesthetics. Co-inventor of APTOS Intimate Threads. Honorary Professor of the Academic Union, Oxford, UK. Head of the Chair of Anti-Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine, The Academic Union, Oxford, UK. Author of Peptidergic Acceleration of Recovery Protocol after procedures. Representative of the European Medical Association to the Republic of Cyprus.

Sotiria Moza
Title: Assistive technology for active ageing
Abstract: During the last decade, different products/devices/software have emerged to facilitate everyday life activities of older adults ranging from simple assistive devices (e.g. adapted pen to assist people with upper extremity difficulties to write), to complex devices used for brain or physical training. The goal of this presentation is to briefly present the capacity of technology for people aged 60+ today and its impact in healthy and active ageing.
Short bio: Sotiria Moza is Head of the Applied R&D department of Materia Group, an organisation which provides a holistic range of services to older adults in Cyprus. She holds a Bachelor’ s degree in Psychology, a Master’s degree in Cognitive Psychology and Neuropsychology and is, currently, a PhD student in the Department of Experimental and Cognitive Psychology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has extensive experience in Neuropsychological Assessment and Rehabilitation for children, adolescents and older adults since 2013 and is a member of the Hellenic Neuropsychological Society. Sotiria has received training in research methodology and statistical analysis, and has published research papers in the field of Neuroscience. She is an article writer in the website Gernao Allios and holds specific interest in the field of assistive technology for people with disabilities. She has worked in positions such as unit psychologist, project officer, and how head of EU funded projects related to assistive and innovative technological developments for vulnerable populations.

Vittorio Calabrese
Title: Redox modulation of stress resilience mechanisms in Aging and Neurodegenerative Disorders
Abstract: In our recent study we evaluated the effects of Hericium erinaceus, a nutritional mushroom with important antioxidant effects, in a rat model of AD. Hericium erinaceus administration reduced behavioral changes and hippocampal neuronal degeneration. Additionally, it reduced phosphorylated-Tau levels and aberrant APP overexpression and β-amyloid accumulation. Moreover, Hericium erinaceus decreased the prooxidative and pro-inflammatory hippocampal alterations induced by AD. In particular, it reduced the activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome components, usually activated by increased oxidative stress during the AD. Collectively, our results showed that Hericium erinaceus has protective effects on the behavioral alteration and histological modification associated with the AD acting by the modulation of the oxidative and inflammatory pathways, as well as regulating brain cellular stress. Herein, we discuss cellular mechanisms underlying AD neuroinflammatory pathogenesis that are contributory to Alzheimer’s disease. We describe endogenous cellular defence mechanism modulation and neurohormesis as a potentially innovative approach to therapeutics for AD and other neurodegenerative conditions that are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and neuroinflammation, including Meniere disease patients as a measurable model of neurodegenerative neuro-cochleosensory system. Particularly, Vitagenes are emerging for their neuroprotective potential as well as the capability of Coriolus and Hericium nutritional mushrooms to burst redox stress responsive mechanisms leading to neuroprotection
Short bio: Prof. Vittorio Calabrese is a Professor of Clinical Biochemistry at the School of Medicine and Surgery and Director of School of Specialization in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry, University of Catania, University of Messina and University of Palermo. He is member of the Editorial Board of several high peer reviewed journals. His research focuses on the role of free radicals and antioxidants in human disease, particularly Alzheimer’s disease and other brain disorders. His interest in identifying the most important antioxidants in the human diet and in developing novel antioxidants has critical bearing on treating human diseases and understanding how diet might cause or prevent them. Areas of his research interests includes role of Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial dysfunction in Aging, Neurodegenerative disorders and Longevity; Proteomics and redox proteomics, Heat shock signal pathway Hormesis and Vitagenes in Neurodegeneration. The results of his researches have been reported in over 234 scientific papers published in outstanding international journals and widely cited (around 14720 total citations, around 5000 citations of the 10 most cited articles), for an HI value of 77 (ISI). He has deposited various patents, including WO 2004/07883A1 and US20040167217 for the use of curcumin and its derivatives in the treatment neurodegenerative disorders.

Eleni Andreou
Title: MIND Diet for Better Brain Aging
Currently available medical treatments for age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease have had limited success. Adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle has been among the most consistent recommendations to maintain brain health over the long term. Some studies have linked an overall healthy dietary pattern to less chance of experiencing age-related decline in memory and other cognitive skills. Dietary patterns associated with lower risk of age-related cognitive decline and dementia are higher in non-starchy vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, legumes and seafood while limited in red and/or processed meats, sugar-sweetened foods and drinks, refined grains and added salt. Researchers are currently conducting a clinical trial of a diet specifically optimized for brain health and mild weight loss—the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet. If successful, the result of the MIND trial will provide older adults with more specific nutritional guidance to maintain their cognitive health. In some studies, these approaches have shown potential to support brain health with aging.
Like the Mediterranean pattern and the DASH diet, MIND emphasizes minimally processed plant-based foods and limited consumption of animal foods relatively high in saturated fat. But the MIND diet also tweaks the Mediterranean/DASH patterns to favor particular foods and food groups shown in previous research to be potentially brain protective. The MIND diet recommends eating certain foods a specific number of times a day or week. The diet specifies targeted servings of specific foods, namely whole grains, green leafy vegetables, and berries, and maximum allowed servings of 5 unhealthy foods, notably pastries and red meat. There’s evidence from observational studies that MIND could be brain-protective. For over 20 years researchers have followed a group of older adults living in retirement communities and senior public housing units in the Chicago area, average age 81. MIND diet was associated with 53% less risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Even moderate adherence came with a 35% lower risk.
Short bio: Dr Eleni Andreou is a Clinical Dietitian and Associate Professor at the University of Nicosia. Academic Background: She possesses a B.Sc. (Summa Cum Laude) from Youngstown State University, USA, in Dietetics (Food and Nutrition/Dietetic) (1990). She continued the biennial academic and practicum (postgraduate level) in the Clinical Dietetics (including Administrative and Community) at the same university and in Southside & Northside Memorial Hospital in the Ohio. She was granted the title of RD by the Commission on Dietetic Registration of USA upon the completion of the qualification exams (1992). She received the Doctorate in Professional Studies from Middlesex University with the title Clinical Dietetics, Nutrition Sciences and Health Education with the area of interest in Behavioural Modification, Diabetes, Obesity, Eating Disorders and Cognition-sleep and Nutrition. Today, she practises the profession as private clinical dietitian and coordinates and teaches at University of Nicosia/Intercollege the programmes of Dietetics and Nutrition as Associate Professor. Also, she is a researcher in her field and collaborates with medical centres, consults companies in Food and Pharmaceutical Industry, and she is the Scientific Advisor and member of other Health Associations. She is an author of scientific articles and books related to dietetics. She is currently the President of the Cyprus Dietetic and Nutrition Association, the president of the Cyprus Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (CySPEN), the vice president of the Cyprus Registration Board for Food Scientists, Technologists and Dietitians and board member of the Cyprus Atherosclerosis Association.